Film Dope

The Golden Age of Comedy


Robert Youngson

Peerless compilation from silent comedies..alright actually the sequels from the same stable are better.

Clips are from:
The Hollywood Kid (1924) Charles Murray, Louise Carver, Mack Sennett, Vernon Dent
Wandering Willies (1926) Billy Bevan
Musclebound Music (1926) Billy Bevan, Davy Morris
Wall Street Blues (1924) Billy Bevan, Jack Richardson, Vernon Dent, Andy Clyde, Edgar Kennedy
Circus Today (1926) Billy Bevan
The Second Hundred Years (1927) L & H
We Faw Down as We Slip Up (1928) L & H
Battle of the Century L & H
Going to Congress (1924) Will Rogers
Uncensored Movies (1923) Will Rogers
Run, Girl, Run (1928) Carole Lombard, Daphne Pollard
Double Whoopee (1929) L & H
Three Ben Turpin films unknown
Two Tars (1928) L & H
Luck O' the Foolish (1924) Harry Langdon
Nip and Tuck (1923) Billy Bevan
You're Darn Tootin' (1928) L & H

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26th December 1957

Stan Laurel
Oliver Hardy
Will Rogers
Carole Lombard
Jean Harlow
Ben Turpin
Rodney St. Clair
Harry Langdon
Charley Chase
Billy Bevan
Edgar Kennedy
Andy Clyde
Charles Murray
Harry Gribbon
Keystone Cops
Dwight Weist
Ward Wilson
Wilson Benge
Louise Carver
Dorothy Coburn
Marceline Day
Vernon Dent
(archive footage)
Kay Deslys
Madalynne Field
Bess Flowers
George B. French
Charlie Hall
Madeline Hurlock
George Kotsonaros
Nasty Nate
Kewpie Morgan
Dave Morris
Vivien Oakland
Jack O'Brien
Daphne Pollard
Jack Richardson
Mack Sennett
Mack Sennett
Al St. John
(archive footage)
Dick Sutherland
Vera White


Tony Sullivan: Vidcaps & Notes

Wearysloth: 35 Caps
Page Updated: Sunday, December 29, 2024 12:57:20 AM