Taking the premise of Toy Story one step further, suppose your everyday grocery store came to life, once the customers had gone and the lights were out. The plot revolves around evil Brand X attempting a grocery store coup. Charlie Sheen, Christopher Lloyd, Hilary Duff and Eva Longoria voice some of the products.
-The Sloth
One of those wretched footnotes to Hollywood history that is amusing to read about, but painful to watch. Foodfight! has been described as The Day the Clown Cried of animation, and that description is quite apt. This is one film that has been in production for over a DECADE! Given that the CGI is abominable and sub-par even for the early Nineties (it makes Video Brinquedo, the Brazilian rip-off artists, look accomplished) and most of the voice cast other than Sheen is irrelevant to current Hollywood trends, that's probably a merciful thing. It is also the crassest example of product placement ever seen, and probably the sole reason anyone bothered to try and make this puerile, boring mess in the first place.
Supposedly being released direct to DVD, at least in Europe, in October 2012, but there are also rumors that there is less than an hour of completed footage, so who knows?