Film Dope

Perry Mason
Case of the Mischievous Doll

Thursday, 13th May 1965
 8:00 pm CBS

NB Some episodes of this show maybe streaming at the following locations
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Allyson Ames
Rita Jasper
Phil Arthur
Joe Billings
William Boyett
police sergeant
Stanley Clements
second taxi driver
Ben Cooper
Jack Fife
man at airport
Alan Fordney
man bystander
Byron Foulger
airport clerk
Holly Harris
woman bystander
Philip Harron
first taxi driver
Paul Lambert
Del Compton
Kenneth MacDonald
second judge
Charles Martin
first judge
Lee Miller
Sgt. Brice
Mary Mitchell
Dorrie Ambler/Minerva Minden
Marge Redmond
Henietta Hull
Ann Staunton
woman at airport